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Adapting Water Management Strategies to Deal with the Threat of Climate Change

Mining has always been heavily dependent on water. Without water, the extraction of copper, platinum group metals, diamonds and other valuable products would be practically impossible. But water is becoming increasingly scarce: with a predicted shortfall of 40% by 2030, exacerbated by climate change, The shortage of clean, fresh water represents the greatest global societal and economic risk over the next decade. What technologies are being designed to encourage processing with less/no water? How can we reduce water waste in mining operations? Issues discussed include: • Increasing water efficiency with a closed-loop recycling system • Improving the measurement of evaporation rates to conserve more water • How can innovations in geothermal help water management? • Using low-cost dry tailings disposal to limit water loss • Innovating with dry separation techniques that use less water • New thinking to use less water when separating waste rock from ore • Applying strong and transparent corporate water governance • Managing water at operations effectively • Collaborating to achieve responsible and sustainable water use. @minesandmoney2023

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